Body Specific Conditions

The chest / decollete areas are the most common areas we treat other than the face. IPL / BBL is our most popular treatment for the body.


Body Specific Conditions

Glow Medi Spa

Body Specific Conditions

Hair Thinning / Loss

Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, refers to a loss of hair.

Aging hands

Many people tend to neglect the hands when it comes to skin care maintenance. Similar treatments can be done on the hands as on the face. The most common treatments include IPL for sunspots.

Body Fat, Weight Gain

Dr. Diane Wong firmly believes you can Redefine Your Beauty from the inside out and complement it with customized external treatments such as radiofrequency as needed.


Cellulite is often called “orange-peel skin” or “dimpled skin” and is a common aesthetic concern in women of all ages. Improve the appearance with rediofrequency.

Stretch Marks

These embarrassing, streaky marks often arise after weight gain and loss, eg. During pregnancy. Microneedling may improve this condition.

Aging skin on chest and decollete

The skin on your chest and decollete must match the skin on your body. Similar treatments can be done herer as for the face.

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